Using Technology in the Classroom


Technology is a general term for the inventions, devices and processes that make life easier or more efficient. It includes a wide range of products and services, from microwave ovens to smartwatches, and has played a significant role in the development of our modern lives.

Technologists often work with a clear goal in mind, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily know the right answers to every question they face or are able to predict what might happen next. They must sometimes be willing to take a long view of the problem, and to consider how their solutions will affect the world as a whole.

In many ways, this is a more challenging approach than trying to predict what would happen in a particular situation with perfect accuracy. As Joseph Dunne points out, “the technologist is not always trying to calculate the efficiency of different possible means towards an already determined end; she or he is usually deliberating about what kind of future, out of all the infinite possibilities that exist, will materialize in this particular ‘case'”.

Despite these challenges, technology plays an important role in our lives, as it helps us do everything from communicate with friends and family to store large amounts of information. It also improves the quality of our entertainment, allowing us to watch shows and movies in higher definition than ever before.

When used effectively, technology can help teachers connect with their students in new and exciting ways. Whether through tools like Socrative or Mentimeter that allow you to capture quick feedback about how students are understanding the lesson, or by providing additional opportunities for practice and self-assessment, technology can make lessons more dynamic and engaging.

While using technology in the classroom can help learners become more engaged, it is also important to ensure that it doesn’t take over their education. In many developing countries, class time is devoted to lectures, which often don’t leave enough room for students to practice the concepts they learn. This can lead to problems later in school, as some students struggle with homework assignments because they haven’t had enough time to review the material in class.

It also provides an opportunity to build student independence and autonomy in their education, which can help them grow in their learning. Having the ability to give feedback on lessons, participate in projects and have opportunities to create something from scratch can help students feel empowered and more capable of succeeding.

This can also help them develop communication and collaboration skills that will be useful in future jobs, or in other areas of their lives. It can also help them learn how to use their technology creatively, effectively and safely.

There are also a number of other benefits that teachers can gain from integrating technology into their curriculum, including improved communication between students and teachers, as well as between students and parents and peers. This can make lessons more engaging and interactive, while giving students the opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world around them.