How to Write a News Article
News articles are pieces of information that keep people updated on current events. They often focus on things that affect the general public, such as new laws, natural disasters or political events. They can also be based on opinion, such as a review of an art exhibition or sports score.
Many different forms of media provide news, including print, radio and television. Some are government-run, such as the BBC or state-owned China Central TV, while others are privately owned and operated, like CNN and the New York Times. Many people now get their news from online sources, such as Facebook and Twitter.
While the purpose of news is to inform and educate, it can also be entertaining as well. This can be done through a variety of means, such as music and drama programs on the radio or crosswords and cartoons in newspapers. While it is important for the news to entertain, it is also vital that it be accurate and factual.
A news article begins with a lead, which is a short paragraph that summarizes the main point of the story. It should include the location of the event, who was involved and why it is newsworthy. A strong lead will encourage readers to read the rest of the article. Once the lead is complete, the article should include a background paragraph that gives additional details about the subject. This information can include the history of the subject, how it is being impacted now and what steps are being taken to solve the issue.
Then, the story itself will include a series of quotes from various sources who are knowledgeable about the topic. These quotes should give a range of opinions about the subject and allow readers to hear from experts in the field as well as ordinary citizens who have a personal connection to it. In addition, it is important for the reporter to cite all of their sources so that their reporting is credible.
After the source quotes are included, the story should move on to the main body of the article, which should be an in-depth look at the topic. This may include interviews with those involved and extensive research. It is important for a reporter to write this part of the article without bias and to present all of the facts, allowing the reader to make his or her own decision about the subject.
The last portion of a news article is the conclusion, which should tie the main points together and make a clear and concise statement about the topic. It should also include the name of the author, if it is available. This is so that the writer is accountable for what he or she has written and to prevent plagiarism. Once the article is finished, it is laid out on dummy pages and then sent to the publication for printing. This process can occur daily, weekly or monthly. It is sometimes called the editorial process.